• Dogs



We can vaccinate puppies from 7 weeks of age. Two injections are given 28 days apart to ensure adequate protection.

The diseases we vaccinate against are:

  • Parvovirus: This causes severe vomiting and diarrhoea, usually in young animals, which can be fatal.
  • Distemper: Affected dogs are often very ill and many die from this virus. Symptoms include coughing, snotty nose, vomiting, diarrhoea and convulsions.
  • Adenovirus: This virus attacks the liver and can cause liver failure. Many animals that catch the disease will die; others who recover will have ongoing illnesses.
  • Leptospirosis: This bacteria is spread by rats in their urine. It causes jaundice, liver failure and can cause kidney failure. It can also cause vomiting and diarrhoea. It can be spread to people. (Weil’s disease)
  • Parainfluenza: Causes coughing which can go on for months in some cases. It is caused by a combination of bacteria and viruses.

Your puppy can start socialising with other dogs 1 week after the 2nd vaccination. As the Leptospirosis component of the vaccination takes longer for immunity to develop, we recommend keeping your puppy on a lead and away from watercourses and sources of rat and mice urine until 3 weeks after the 2nd vaccination.


Roundworms can be passed from the mother to the pups whilst they are in the womb or via the milk. The eggs can survive for years in the environment. It is likely that young dogs will have roundworms, and we advise starting treatment at 2 weeks of age and repeating every 3 weeks until 12 weeks of age and then monthly until 12 months old.

Lungworms are picked up by dogs from slugs and snails and can cause breathing problems, clotting and bleeding problems, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhoea, depression, lethargy and seizures. Infestations of lungworm can be fatal.

They seem to be more common in younger dogs, as they are more likely to play with slugs and snails. Lungworm can also be transmitted by playing with toys or eating grass that has come into contact with slugs and snails.

We recommend treating monthly with a product that kills lungworm until dogs are 12 months old, or beyond if necessary.

Tapeworms can be picked up by your puppy by swallowing fleas, but also from eating rabbits and rodents. You should treat your puppy for tapeworm every 3 months from 12 weeks of age.

There are several products available and we would be happy to advise you on a suitable one for your puppy.


Every dog is likely to become infested with fleas at some stage in its life. With appropriate and effective preventative flea treatment you can reduce the chances of this happening.

Flea treatments are available as spot-ons, tablets and collars. They either kill the adult fleas or stop the fleas breeding.

There are also sprays available to treat your house.

Many of the flea treatments available also provide treatment for mites, ticks and worms. New and better products are developed all the time and we are able to supply and advise you on the most effective current treatments available.


It is a legal requirement that all puppies over the age of 8 weeks are microchipped. These are inserted under the skin by one of our nurses or vets. We use a local anaesthetic cream and the smallest to reduce any discomfort for the puppy. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to ensure your details are kept up to date.


Puppies should be fed on a proprietary puppy food to ensure they receive adequate nutrition for healthy growth. Our range of Royal Canin food caters for every life stage. One of our nurses would be happy to advise you if you have any questions. Please ask about our loyalty scheme.


Females: Spaying is the removal of the womb and ovaries. This means that there are no heat cycles and therefore no bleeding or behavioural changes. Spaying removes the risk of womb infections and early spaying greatly reduces the risk of mammary cancers. We generally recommend spaying 3 months after the first season, although we can perform pre-season spays. If you are considering a pre-season spay, it is best to discuss the risks associated with this with one of our vets.

Males: Castration is the removal of both testes. It can help to control aggressive, antisocial or sexual behaviour. It also reduces the risk of developing prostatic disease and removes the risk of developing testicular cancer. We recommend castration from 5-6 months of age.


We strongly recommend insurance. You should be offered 4 weeks free insurance with the 1st vaccination. If you were not, please ask at the 2nd vaccination. We are only able to give specific advice on Pet Plan.





Looking After your Puppy

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Pet Insurance

Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Bitch Spays

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