Insurance Claim Policy

Indirect Claims – this is where your insurance company reimburses you directly. Please ensure all sections of the claim form are completed as necessary before submitting it to us.

The nurses will complete your insurance claim and aim to send these off within 10 working days.

These will not be submitted when there is an outstanding balance on the account. There is a £5 administration fee which must be paid prior to the claim being submitted.

Direct Claims – this is where your insurance company makes payment directly to Luxstowe Vets (minus any excesses or deductions)

Luxstowe Vets do not routinely make direct claims. Under certain circumstances and with certain insurance companies Luxstowe Vets may agree to a direct claim. If you wish to do a direct claim, you must discuss this with us before treatment is given. Direct claims cannot be requested after treatment has been given or on collection of your pet. Luxstowe Vets will not agree to direct claims for amounts less than £500.

Before we will agree to a direct claim, we will ask to see your policy certificate. We will need to know the following:

  • Policy number
  • Start date of the policy
  • Policy excess including percentage of the claim payable by yourself
  • Monetary limits on the policy
  • Time limits on the policy
  • Exclusions placed on the policy

Wherever possible we will try to gain pre-authorisation from your insurance company. This is not always possible as some insurers will not carry out pre-authorisations. Pre-authorisation can also result in delays as it generally takes 3-7days for insurers to process them.

Without pre-authorisation, there is no guarantee that your insurance company will settle your claim.

In the event that the insurer declines the claim, only pays a proportion of the claim or fails to settle the claim within 60 days, you will be liable to settle all outstanding fees.

As direct claims require a significant amount of administration by Luxstowe Vets and result in a delay of payment of our fees, we charge an initial administration fee of £20.00.

Continuation claims resulting from the initial direct claim must be reclaimed by you from your insurance company in the usual way. Any continuation claims from the initial claim will be charged a £5.00 administration fee.

A completed and signed claim form must be given to us at the time of treatment and you must also pay any excesses on collection of your pet.


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Insurance Claim Policy
